

PerfumemaniaPerfumemania vor 8 Jahren
Hi, thank you very much. I have found Parfumo very helpful when purchasing blindly. I am not just Rojamania, i am a bonafide 'perfume junkie'. I look forward to posting reviews and receiving feedback. This is a fantastic site, thanks for creating it and making it available for all.
SüchtigSüchtig vor 8 Jahren
Von mir auch........

Ein herzliches willkommen bei den

Duft ver-rückten. Schönes schnüffeln wünsch ich.
OPomoneOPomone vor 8 Jahren
Welcome aboard, Perfumemania... or should I say Rojamania?

You will see that Parfumo is a friendly place with tons of fragrances to explore, including other than the ones you praise to the skies.
FlankerFlanker vor 8 Jahren
Hallo und herzlich willkommen!! Grüße, Flanker