

PetitePinupPetitePinup vor 7 Monaten
I'm amazed at the new Lattafa subsidiary, Niche Emarati. Absolutely stunning bottles and interesting pyramids. Just... that price point isn't Lattafa. It's definitely more in lieu of the name they've chosen.
PetitePinupPetitePinup vor 7 Monaten
Have been DECLUTTERING (yes, it deserves a scream). Check my pictures to see if something jumps out at you. I think I'll add a few more, probably. Fragrances I really like, but somehow never wear. Due to some sad personal circumstances I've not been able to add everything to Souk, so here's your chance to strike first!
I'll also add a ginormous amount of little decants (1-1.5-2ml).
Sell you later ;).
ExUserExUser vor 10 Monaten
Hi dear! O am Francesca, the Italian girl. I just added to my list of follows, I enjoy your review greatly as you know.
You said that at the moment your writing is in stand-by but I look forward to reading all your impression.
Much love to you!
PetitePinupPetitePinup vor 10 Monaten
Hi Francesca, so nice to see you here! I've started with a new review on Shaheen Gold this week - maybe you've seen it already? - and hope to post a few more soon this August, or at least September. 💜
PetitePinupPetitePinup vor 11 Monaten
Lieselotte, but of coooourse there were ME gems in there ;). Three to be exact, and I have a few others that I never spoke about. Personal circumstances have brought writing to a standstill, but hopefully my luck will change for the best and I can post a few more soon!
PetitePinupPetitePinup vor 12 Monaten
[Pretending not to drag a heavy box full of eight "I'm not going to do any more blind buys" upstairs] Nothing to see here...carry on!
Pssst... reviews will be coming ;).
LieselotteLieselotte vor 11 Monaten
Hoping some of those 8 are Middle Eastern fragrances and looking forward to your reviews.
PetitePinupPetitePinup vor 12 Monaten
Why is Paris Corner not on Parfumo?
PetitePinupPetitePinup vor 12 Monaten
Despite having been seriously ill the last few months I still managed to collect a ridiculous amount of perfumes. Just checked my excel sheet (yes, I'm one of those 😜) and without decants I've now surpassed the 160...
It's time for a declutter: Souk here I come!
PetitePinupPetitePinup vor 2 Jahren
After months and months of being sold out I finally nabbed two of Zara's Golden Decade 80ml bottles. If I could bathe in the stuff I would, but I'll take an Autumn & Winter of almost daily sprayed "Golden skin". With my 90ml Libre OG bottle on the way I can now have that lusty "Aahhh" gasp-sniff every perfumophile craves.
PetitePinupPetitePinup vor 2 Jahren
Part 1/2 of my major Arabian Houses-haul (mostly Armaf & Lattafa) arrived today and the first few test spritzes - because all perfume came from Czech Republic or Germany they'll definitely get some necessary rest time before the true wear days & opinion forming - show everything from Epic fails ( "Hello? Where you at?!", "Cough, cough, blegh") to olfactory delights ("Oh... my...sniiiifffff"). The last one being a Plum-Rose-Amber/Mahogany combo - though I would swear there's some saffron in there).
ElysiumElysium vor 2 Jahren
Hey there PetitePinup, welcome to the Parfumo community. I wish you a pleasant stay. Enjoy!
PetitePinupPetitePinup vor 2 Jahren
Thank you! How can I not, amidst of other fragantophiles 🤗.
DonVanVlietDonVanVliet vor 2 Jahren
So empty here, hi and welcome to Parfumo! 👋
PetitePinupPetitePinup vor 2 Jahren
I'm still very much figuring out how everything works on here. (And due to illness I have a "little" less hours in the day/week than others). But trust me: emptiness will be rectified ;) .
PetitePinupPetitePinup vor 2 Jahren
That moment when you think: OMG! What is that scent?! Delicious!
And then you realise: it's me! #sublimeepogue #15hrsstillgoingstrong