Vetiver pour Elle 2004

06.02.2014 - 06:37 Uhr

Bin mal traurig.....

Ich musstemusstemusste einfach mal Guerlain schreiben und auf Knien betteln, diesen Duft bittebittebitte noch einmal aufzulegen. Erst spät durch Undine, die die allerletze Flasche aus Paris mitgebracht und mit uns geteilt hatte, lernte ich diesen be- und verzaubernden Duft kennen. Jetzt sind noch 20 ml zum Verzweifeln übrig - nein, freuen kann ich mich nicht mehr, weil das Fläschchen fast leer ist - und es gibt keinen Ausweg *schnüff*, denn das haben sie geantwortet:

"Dear Madam,

I acknowledge receipt of your e-mail dated 2/6/2014 and thank you for your interest in our brand.

Unfortunately, the fragrance VETIVER POUR ELLE has been discontinued from the Guerlain range of products in 2011. There isn't anymore stock available in our warehouses and in the shops.

I regret this unfortunate situation and apologise for it.

I would like to point out information that explains these changes. The history of Guerlain is made of almost 800 olfactive creations but, unfortunately, it is impossible to keep them all. The growing number of new releases in perfumes and cosmetics forces us to continuously renew our offer. Our products always have to be more outstanding, of better quality and with the most diversity possible. Consequently, the low demand of one product forces us to stop its fabrication. I have taken notice that you regretted it.

Furthermore, I inform you that you can discover the Guerlain world on our web site

I hope to keep your trust and stay at your service.

Customer Relationship Department
[email protected]"
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