

StilloniStilloni vor 8 Jahren
Thank you dear HsChen for your kind words. I've seen your photo a few months ago... ;) You're a beautiful woman!
ChallengerChallenger vor 8 Jahren
Hi HsChen,

Thank You :)
SerafinaSerafina vor 8 Jahren
Dear HsChen,

thank you for your nice comment on my photo! It is from 2011. In the meanwhile I gained some weight and grey hairs! ;-)
ZionistZionist vor 8 Jahren
Hi HsChen

Thank you for posting on my fotos regarding my trip to taiwan an Japan.

I was totally impressed how rich in culture the island of taiwan is, and taipeh is definately woth , to be seen a couple of other times.

Besides of that i was carried away with the impressions and tates i experienced on those unique nightmarkets you have.

Regards karl Heinz from Berlin
PBullFriendPBullFriend vor 9 Jahren
Wow, HsChen - you are such a talented photographer! Thank you so much for sharing your talents with us here on Parfumo!
CosmicLoveCosmicLove vor 9 Jahren
YES ~ thank you for these n i c e pictures... ~Greets from Germany~
YataganYatagan vor 9 Jahren
Great Pictures! Thank you so much!
OhdeberlinOhdeberlin vor 9 Jahren
Welcome HsChen !

Thank you for your nice pictures.
ApiciusApicius vor 9 Jahren
Hello HsChen, a very warm welcome to Parfumo!